Sema Gümüş Öğüt
She was born in Denizli-Çivril. She graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Education Faculty, Visual Arts Education Department. I completed his master's degree at Pamukkale University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Visual Arts, with his thesis titled "The View of the Sects on Art". She continues to work as an art educator affiliated with the Ministry of Education.
In her works, Sema Gümüş Öğüt aims to present nature from macro and micro perspectives and different forms of expression. The artist designs the creation process of his works by taking photographs during nature walks. He aims to reflect the effects of nature and space on the human soul in his works. In some of his works, he works closely and in detail by taking sections from nature, and in others, he depicts everything that grows rising and heading towards the void. As the person gets closer to this reality and detail and gets further and further away from reality, he wants to find himself in emptiness. It literally aims to make the human mind, which is liberated by taking power from nature, wander in the universe of thoughts through associations. Just twigs... Every human being has wild grasses, bushes and twigs that are lush green in the spring and dry and turn yellow in the summer - just like in nature. The Artist, who is in humans and nature, takes shape in his works with acrylic paints and drawings, starting from concepts such as formation, existence and disappearance, with a dynamic nourished from different fields.
The difference between the twigs is striking: The greenery inside a person does not need long seasons to turn yellow, it is a moment that dries the greenery, sometimes a small resentment, sometimes unexpected losses, sometimes lost hopes. Just as the weeds continue to exist by scattering their seeds around after they turn yellow and re-emerge after the first rains, there comes a time when man's dried up hopes, resentments and yellowing bushes become green again when he discovers this wonderful cycle and harmony in nature. That's when he discovers his place between the earth and the sky of which he is a part, and the flow continues.
2017 - "Just a Bush Whisk 1-2" Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2015 - "Just a Bush Whisk 2" Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2014 - "Just a Bush Whisk 1" Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2013 - "My Window is Square" Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2012 - "Art Intent" İş Bank Art Gallery, Izmir
2011 - "Limitlessness" Izmir Art, Izmir
2009 - Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2000 - Denizli Municipal Art Gallery, Denizli
1998 - Amasra, Bartın
1997 - VakıfBank, Bartın
2022 - Metro Art Gallery “Faces of the Face” Exhibition, Izmir
2022 - Kemeraltı Meetings, Izmir
2022 - Zülfü Livaneli Cultural Center “Tabu” Exhibition, Ankara
2022 - Karabağlar Municipality 100th year Exhibition
2022 - Forli Vernica Art Fair, Italy
2021 - Iaaf Istanbul Art Antique Fair, Istanbul
2021 - Güzelyalı Art Gallery, Izmir
2020 - “varna cozmic motion revealed” International Exhibition, Bulgaria
2020 - Xartplatform International Online Group Exhibition
2020 - Portkal Flower - TEV “contagious is goodness” Group Exhibition
2020 - “Art Heals” Online Group Exhibition
2020 - Tamsanat Online Group Exhibition
2020 - International Women's Day Exhibition, Güzelyalı Cultural Center, Izmir
2020 - “Small Works” Exhibition, Izmir
2019 - III. International Sada Symposium, Ankara
2019 - Güzelyalı Art Gallery, Izmir
2018 - Bulgaria Varna Exhibition, Bulgaria
2018 - Nevşehir Üçhisar Barter Project Group Exhibition, Nevşehir
2015 - İzmir State Painting and Sculpture Museum Kültür Park Art Gallery, İzmir
2014 - Güzelyalı Cultural Center, Izmir
2013 - Nevşehir Üçhisar Art Workshop, Nevşehir
2012 - Marmaris Municipality Art Gallery, Marmaris
2011 - Çetin Emeç Art Gallery, Izmir
2011 - Alaçatı Municipality Art Gallery, Izmir
2010 - Turkey Art Events grb., Erzurum
2010 - Turkey Art Events grb., Afyon
2009 - Çukurcuma Gallery, Istanbul
2009 - 3rd Egeart Art Days, Izmir
2007 - Aegean Artists Exhibition, Çeşme/Izmir
2007 - Çekirdek Art Gallery, Istanbul
2007 - Fabrikartgroub Festival, Cappadocia/Nevsehir
2007 - Foça Festival, Izmir
2006 - Aegean Artists Exhibition, Izmir
2006 - Çekirdek Art Gallery, Istanbul
2006 - I. International Women's Festival, Izmir
2006 - Kursart Art Gallery, Ankara
2006 - Chamber of Commerce Aegean Artists Exhibition, Denizli
2005 - Işılay Saygın Art Gallery, İzmir
2004 - Dere Facilities Painting Teachers Group Exhibition, Kemalpaşa/İzmir
2003 - Uğur Mumcu Art Gallery, Izmir
2002 - Çetin Emeç Art Gallery, Izmir
2002 - Uğur Mumcu Art Gallery, Izmir
2002 - A.K.M, Izmir
2001 - Denizli Municipality Art Gallery, Denizli
2000 - Denizli Municipality Art Gallery, Denizli
1997 - VakıfBank Art Gallery, Bartın
1995 - Pamukkale University Exhibition Hall, Denizli
1995 - Denizli Municipality Art Gallery, Denizli
1994 - Izfas
2018 - 1. The Secret of Masal Mountain Yitik Ülke Publications
2020 - 2 .The Gate of Oddities Yitik Ülke Publications