Nilüfer Topal
She was born in Istanbul in 1982. She graduated from Marmara University with a degree in Art Education in 2004. In 2007, she completed her master's degree at the same university. The artist, who continues her work in Istanbul, works as an art instructor at a private institution. In her figurative paintings, she addresses themes such as spatial details, human portraits, and anonymity. In her recent works, there is a symbolist approach. She strives to communicate using symbols related to nature and human nature, seeking ways to integrate with the collective memory.
Even the smallest unknown thing sent to the depths of the subconscious has the potential to disturb us and keep us awake at night. The path to understanding what disturbs us and why lies in facing the things we hide from, do not want to see, fear, and flee from.
The things we forgot and buried deep down to protect ourselves and cope with past events become burdensome once they lose their function. Like Uranus’ unwanted and unseen children, the Hecatoncheires and Cyclopes, perhaps we need to look at what the monsters we imprisoned in the depths of Tartarus have to say under the light of the full moon.
In the series "Dream Realm," my aim was not to create images for the viewer to see clearly in daylight, but to enable them to connect by peeling back the layers within the framework of their own experience and world. I have been striving for a long time to find and correctly position myself within a journey that has the cycle of nature and humanity in the background. My guides here have been myths, dreams, and psychology illuminated by ancient knowledge. My recent pictorial explorations can also be seen as notes on remembering what I have forgotten and the grandeur of nature.
2023 - TAG Trump Art Gallery, “Düşler Alemi”, İstanbul
2024 - Art Contact Sanat Fuarı, Enstitü İstanbul İSMEK Eğitmenleri Sergisi, İstanbul
2024 - “Simülakra”, Loft Art Project, İstanbul
2023 - “Art Sunday”, PG Art Gallery & Tog Vakfı, İstanbul
2023 - Büyükdere35, “Han Sergileri-6”, İstanbul
2022 - Art Contact Sanat Fuarı, Enstitü İstanbul İSMEK Eğitmenleri Sergisi, İstanbul
2022 - “Desen Sergisi” Odd Art Space, Tekirdağ
2022 - “Kadın: Dün, Bugün, Yarın” TAG Trump Art Gallery, İstanbul
2022 - “Art Sunday”, PG Art Gallery & Tog Vakfı, İstanbul
2021 - “Art Sunday”, PG Art Gallery & Tog Vakfı, İstanbul
2020 - “Pandemik İlhamlar” Uluslararası Sanal Karma Sergi, Trakya Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi
2020 - “100 Sanatçı 100 Portre Sergisi” Beykoz Üniversitesi, İstanbul
2019 - Tüyap Uluslararası Sanat Fuarı, Kuytu Artline Grup Sergisi, İstanbul
2019 - Endless Art Taksim, “Öğrenebileceğim Yer” İstanbul
2018 - Donkişot Sanat Cafe, “Karma Resim Sergisi” İstanbul
2018 - Arda Sanat Galerisi, “Kare Kod Resim Sergisi” Ankara
2015 - Taksim Cumhuriyet Sanat Galerisi “Öz’e Dair” Karma Resim Sergisi, İstanbul
2015 - Pinelo Galeri, “Şehrin Kimliği Çağdaş Sanat Sergisi” İstanbul
2013 - Şevket Sabancı Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi, “2. Bodrum HİÇ Çalıştay Sergisi” Bodrum
2012 - Caddebostan Kültür Merkezi, “Karma Resim Sergisi” İstanbul
2007 - T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, “Bahar Resim Sergisi” İstanbul
2007 - Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi,” SASAV ( Sanatçılar ve Sanatseverler Vakfı) Konser ve KarmaResim Sergisi” Bolu
2007 - SASAV (Sanatçılar ve Sanatseverler Vakfı) “Dünya Kadınlar Günü Karma Resim Sergisi” İstanbul
2006 - Avusturya Kültür Ofisi, “Sonsuzluğa Uzanan Yolda Renkler, Çizgiler ve Sesler İle Mozart Sergisi & Konseri” İstanbul
2006 - SASAV (Sanatçılar ve Sanatseverler Vakfı) “2006-2007 Sezon Açılışı Karma Resim Sergisi ve Müzik Performansı” İstanbul
2001 - Marmara Üniversitesi, A.E.F. Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Bölümü, “Ders Belgeliği 5. Belgelik Sergisi” İstanbul
2019 - Evin Sanat Galerisi, “Nuri İyem Resim Ödülü”, (sergileme)
2009 - Evin Sanat Galerisi, “Nuri İyem Resim Ödülü”, (sergileme)
2008 - Evin Sanat Galerisi, “Nuri İyem Resim Ödülü”, (sergileme)
2006 - Evin Sanat Galerisi, “Nuri İyem Resim Ödülü”, (sergileme)
2005 - İnönü Üniversitesi “1. Ulusal Resim Yarışması”, (sergileme)
2005 - T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı “5. Şefik Bursalı Resim Yarışması” (sergileme)
2004 - T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı “4. Şefik Bursalı Resim Yarışması” (sergileme)